
What Is An Animal That Only Eats Plants

34.1B: Herbivores, Omnivores, and Carnivores

  • Folio ID
  • Animals can exist carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores in their eating strategies.

    Learning Objectives

    • Differentiate amid herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores

    Central Points

    • Herbivores are those animals, such as deer and koalas, that only eat plant cloth.
    • Omnivores are those animals, such every bit bears and humans, that can eat a variety of nutrient sources, but tend to adopt one blazon to another.
    • While almost carnivores, such equally cats, eat simply meat, facultative carnivores, such as dogs, behave more similar omnivores as they can eat establish thing along with meat.
    • Facultative carnivores can consume meat likewise as plant material while obligate carnivores eat meat all the time.

    Key Terms

    • omnivore: an animal which is able to eat both plants (like a herbivore) and meat (similar a carnivore)
    • obligate carnivore: an beast that necessarily subsists on a diet consisting mainly of meat because information technology does not possess the physiology to assimilate vegetable affair
    • herbivore: whatever brute that eats only vegetation (i.due east. that eats no meat)
    • carnivore: any beast that eats meat as the main office of its diet

    Herbivores, Omnivores, and Carnivores

    Herbivores are animals whose chief food source is plant-based. Examples of herbivores include vertebrates like deer, koalas, and some bird species, as well as invertebrates such as crickets and caterpillars. These animals have evolved digestive systems capable of digesting big amounts of plant material. The plants are high in cobweb and starch, which provide the chief energy source in their nutrition. Since some parts of plant materials, such as cellulose, are hard to digest, the digestive tract of herbivores is adapted so that food may exist digested properly. Many big herbivores take symbiotic bacteria inside their guts to assist with the breakdown of cellulose. They accept long and circuitous digestive tracts to allow enough infinite and time for microbial fermentation to occur. Herbivores can be further classified into frugivores (fruit-eaters), granivores (seed eaters), nectivores (nectar feeders), and folivores (foliage eaters).

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): Examples of herbivores: Herbivores, such as this (a) mule deer and (b) monarch caterpillar, eat primarily found material. Some herbivores incorporate symbiotic bacteria inside their intestines to help with the digestion of the cellulose institute in plant cell walls.

    Omnivores are animals that eat both plant- and animal- derived food. Although the Latin term omnivore literally means "eater of everything", omnivores cannot really eat everything that other animals eat. They can only consume things that are moderately easy to acquire while being moderately nutritious. For instance, nigh omnivores cannot live past grazing, nor are they able to swallow some hard-shelled animals or successfully chase large or fast casualty. Humans, bears, and chickens are examples of vertebrate omnivores; invertebrate omnivores include cockroaches and crayfish.

    Effigy \(\PageIndex{1}\): Examples of omnivores: Omnivores such as the (a) bear and (b) crayfish eat both plant- and animal-based food. While their nutrient options are greater than those of herbivores or carnivores, they are notwithstanding limited past what they tin can discover to eat, or what they can catch.

    Carnivores are animals that eat other animals. The word carnivore is derived from Latin and ways "meat eater." Wild cats, such as lions and tigers, are examples of vertebrate carnivores, as are snakes and sharks, while invertebrate carnivores include bounding main stars, spiders, and ladybugs. Obligate carnivores are those that rely entirely on creature mankind to obtain their nutrients; examples of obligate carnivores are members of the cat family unit. Facultative carnivores are those that also eat non-beast nutrient in addition to fauna nutrient. Annotation that there is no clear line that differentiates facultative carnivores from omnivores; dogs would be considered facultative carnivores.

    Effigy \(\PageIndex{1}\): Examples of carnivores: Carnivores such as the (a) lion consume primarily meat. The (b) ladybug is besides a carnivore that consumes pocket-size insects chosen aphids.


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