
Obama signs, and MS supports, patent overhaul bill

Today President Barack Obama signed a nib into law that is beingness touted as the biggest reform to patent law since 1952.  The America Invents Human activity changes the way the U.Southward. Patent and Trademark Office easily out patents from a convoluted, drawn-out process of researching who the inventor of a technology was to a first-to-file approach.  This will shift the burden from the PTO to the inventors, greatly reducing the time it takes to become an idea patented.  The America Invents Act likewise augments the process of challenging patents that have already been granted, and allows the PTO to patent-related fees.   Speaking of the importance of the bill to both innovation and the floundering economy, Obama had this to say:

"Somewhere in that stack of applications could be the next technological breakthrough, the next phenomenon drug.  We should be making information technology easier and faster to turn new ideas into jobs."

Horacio Gutierrez, Microsoft's corporate vice president and deputy general counsel of intellectual property and licensing, said in a blog mail service that the AIA:"will ensure that innovators in our troubled economy can benefit from a predictable and rational patent organization, with new tools to eliminate patents that should not have issued and to speed the processing of patents that should be issued."  He went on to say that "a fair, counterbalanced and effective patent system is indispensable to promoting R&D investment, task cosmos, and economic growth."

Gutierrez'southward comments are not surprising given the obscene amount of patent-related squabbles and acquisitions in the past year, which take included Microsoft, Apple, Google, HTC and others.  The potential of companies using patents equally weapons has besides been credited for recent billion-dollar business moves, such every bit Google'south recent buy of Motorola Mobility.

Hopefully, with a more than streamlined organization and better review procedure, the patent world can proceeds a lilliputian sanity, while perhaps simultaneously giving the economy a lift in its stride.

Source: SeattlePI; Photo: AP(Jacquelyn Martin)


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